Treating Your Foot Fracture

A foot fracture, a break in one or more of the bones in your foot, can result from various causes like falls, sports injuries, or accidents. While often painful, fractures can vary in severity, from minor hairline cracks to complete breaks. Signs of a foot fracture include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty bearing weight.

Ignoring the signs of a foot fracture in Independence, St. Joseph, and Kansas City, MO, can lead to complications such as improper healing, chronic pain, or long-term mobility issues. Consider an appointment with one of our skilled surgeons for a thorough examination, possibly including X-rays or other imaging tests, to accurately diagnose your condition.

With their personalized care and commitment to your well-being, Dr. Ross Bartley, Dr. Russell Grimes, and Dr. Tyler Sten will develop a tailored treatment plan to help you recover and regain function in your foot. Your comfort and health are top priorities at Pivotal Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Whether it's a minor fracture requiring rest and immobilization or a more severe injury necessitating surgical intervention, our specialists can provide comprehensive care and support throughout recovery.

Treating Your Foot Fracture

When addressing a foot fracture at home, start by prioritizing rest and elevation to alleviate swelling and pain. Elevate the affected foot above heart level whenever possible, and refrain from bearing weight to prevent further injury. Apply ice packs wrapped in cloth for 15-20 minutes every few hours during the initial days to reduce inflammation. Consider using over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to manage discomfort, following dosage instructions carefully.

Ensure immobilization of the foot with a splint or brace to stabilize the fracture site, minimizing movement that could impede healing. Remember to monitor for signs of complications such as increasing pain, numbness, or changes in skin color, which may warrant immediate medical attention.

Consult a podiatrist if symptoms continue or worsen despite home care measures. Seek professional help for a foot fracture in Independence, St. Joseph, and Kansas City, MO, if you notice a deformity, intense discomfort, or the inability to bear weight on the damaged foot. Your podiatrist will perform a complete evaluation, possibly including imaging tests such as X-rays, to accurately identify the fracture's severity and provide an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Visit Pivotal Foot and Ankle Surgeons for Foot Fractures

Visit Pivotal Foot and Ankle Surgeons immediately for foot fractures, especially if experiencing severe pain, swelling, deformity, or difficulty walking. Timely assessment can prevent complications and ensure proper treatment, promoting recovery. Trust their expertise for comprehensive care tailored to your needs and rehabilitation.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Contact our podiatrist to diagnose and treat a foot fracture in Independence, St. Joseph, and Kansas City, MO, when experiencing foot or ankle pain, discomfort, or issues such as bunions, ingrown toenails, or sports-related injuries. Call (816) 364-2338 to make an appointment with Dr. Russell Grimes, Dr. Ross Bartley, or Dr. Tyler Sten at Pivotal Foot and Ankle Surgeons.


1005 A W St Maartens Dr,
St Joseph, MO 64506

  • Monday- Friday
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

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5844 NW Barry Road, Suite 300, Kansas City, MO 64154

  • Monday- Friday                                  8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday                                                                     Closed
  • Sunday                                                                        Closed